You guessed it: a contest!
Do you have a great productivity tip, technique, or secret you’d like to share with the world. Is it one that you believe is rarely utilized or brand-spanking new?
I’d love to hear your thoughts and then promote the best ones. Unlike books, blogs should be focused conversations. This is your chance to contribute an entry to Productivity 101.
The best two ideas will both win and be explained on August 19th. Besides getting a day dedicated to your concept and a big kudos from me, you’ll also receive a free Globe-Weis Everyday File ($20.00 value). This is a very good one-stop tickler system that I have recommended to others in the past. It has 42 folders (31 days, 12 months). Why is this not 43 folders? The last two days, 30 and 31, are combined into a single folder in this version. You can use this tickler to keep track of all kinds of papers, bills, concert tickets, birthday cards, etc. I’ll ship one to each of the the winners, free of charge, anywhere in the world.
Contest Rules:
1) You may enter as many times as you like via email.
2) Be Honest and Creative (e.g. do not plagiarize from a book or website).
Please submit your idea-laden entry to me via email at thomquinn at
Good Luck!